A Wi-Fi network, you can turn your Android device (smartphone or tablet) into a remote control for your PC. With the application Gmote, it is possible to play media from the PC to one or mobile use this phone as a keyboard or mouse or open WebSites from the Android device on the computer.
Gmote install the application on the Android device
The installation takes place in two stages. Install the application "Gmote" on the device and download Gmote Server . Follow the installation instructions. Uncheck Launch with Windows check and create a desktop icon. Open the software to display an icon in the taskbar. Click with the right mouse button on this icon, then click "Settings".
Gmote application allows you to play media from their PC on their device
Then go to your phone. Make sure it is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer. This is the sine qua non for the connection to work. Go to the application and select your computer. Enter your password. You arrive on an interface in the form of conventional remote control. Press "Browse" to open the folder where your media files are stored. From there, you can run on your PC or mobile, full screen, the files that you select.
On the PC, the application is based on an embedded version of the VLC Player, on the mobile, it relies on the reader board as MoboPlayer (free) or Dice Player (surcharge).
Operation requires the constant presence Gmote server in the background on your computer. It is advisable to add it to boot .
Multimedia playback, keyboard, mouse, and Internet browsing
Other possibilities are activated by pressing the "Menu" button on your device. Pressing "Touchpad" turns your phone into touchpad, from which you can control the PC. A short is a left click and hold down movement without a right click. A button at the top left allows you to open the virtual keyboard and write directly on your PC from the mobile interface. To close, pressing the "Back" button is enough. To return to the music player, press "Menu" then "Remote".
The last function is a simple web browser based on the built-in Android. Out the selection offered by the application, you can open any website, or on the mobile or on the computer.
Choose to open the computer to launch the default browser. This feature is useful then by switching the "Touchpad" to navigate entirely from mobile and get a navigation only possible on PC.
To turn off the application, return mode "Remote" and then press the button at the top right off.